Performance – January 2022 (01/12)

by | Feb. 2, 2022 | Performance

New year, new luck. That’s what they always say. The stock market was somewhat confused in January 2022 and so some investors have had to accept losses. Especially the tech stocks have had to let many feather here and thus some depots have slipped quite nicely into the minus. However, the following question now arises: How did my dividend portfolio actually perform in January 2022? You can find out here in this article. So stay tuned and just keep reading.

Not much really happened in my dividend portfolio in January. It ran quite normal my savings plans on the Xtrackers Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100 Swap UCITS ETF – 1D EUR DIS with 199.20 euros (LU0292096186) and the iShares EM Dividend UCITS ETF – USD DIS 149.20 euros (IE00B652H904). The numbers are a bit crooked, as there are 0.80 euros in fees for each here at Smartbroker.

Otherwise, I have further added Prospect Capital (US74348T1025) here at 777.75 euros. This company is a monthly payer and should provide better support especially for the weak dividend months like January and October. My personal dividend yield is currently 8.87% on this stock, helping to further increase dividend income.

In total, I have thus invested exactly 1,126.15 euros in my dividend portfolio in January 2022. There were exactly 97.86 euros in dividends to report in January 2022. The exact overview of my dividends can read here in the article „Dividend Income – January 2022 (01/12)“ gladly or follow on my dividend overview page Monthly Update with.

In my dividend portfolio are as of January 2022 a total of 16 shares and 3 ETFs. So nothing else has changed here compared to the previous month. So the savings plans are diligently executed and if there is still capital left, current positions are increased accordingly with one-time payments or new shares are purchased.

Performance January 2022

But now let’s look at the actual performance of my dividend portfolio for January 2022. As already touched upon, the start of 2022 was not exactly positive for many investors. As inflation continues to rise and new records have also been set in the US, some central banks are now thinking about slowly raising the key interest rate again. These announcements have hurt tech stocks in particular. As a result, many investors have seen their portfolios slip into the red, in some cases sharply.

Fortunately, my dividend portfolio was not affected. I was able to achieve a performance of +1.18% or +701.20 euros in January. The overall performance is currently +42.33% and can still be seen. Overall, therefore, all in the green zone and the development can still be considered very positive.

Below again the extract from my broker „Smartbroker“ (extract created on 02.02.2022):

Top 5 winners and losers January 2022

Let’s get back to the TOP 5 winners and losers in my dividend portfolio:

Gewinner   Verlierer  
Brit Amer Tobacco 16,63%

Gladstone Commercial

Allianz 07,84%



Omega Healthcare


Ahold Delhaize


Hercules Capital




Ares Capital

03,55% Nestlé 05,14%

Things no longer look as nice as they did in December 2021. Because in December there were actually no losers and all shares were positive.

Through all the hullabaloo on the stock markets, tobacco stocks have finally risen and BAT was finally able to make strong gains in January. My personal dividend yield here is 8.36% and now the price increases are added to that. Allianz also continues to recover and will probably remain a stock for eternity. In addition, Omega Healthcare has now also recovered somewhat and will, however, still need something until the price is again before the Corona level. Here, however, I will continue to hold on to it and possibly even add to it again. The winners are joined by the BDCs Hercules Capital and Ares Capital.

The list of January losers is headed this time by Gladstone Commercial. It’s not really bad for me though, as this stock is still up over 7% for me and pays very nice monthly dividends. The rest of the losers are holding their own. There were no real surprises here for me and I will hold on to the shares in the future.

Dividends January 2022

You can read the exact overview of my dividends in January 2021 in the article „Dividend Income – January 2022 (01/12)„. This time there was a total of 97.86 euros in dividend income to report.


There were no sales in January 2022.


I have only increased existing securities accordingly this month. Effects on dividends will only be seen later. but I always continue to invest and then there are (hopefully) also more dividends. This dividend then invest again directly and even more dividends.

  • Buy Prospect Capital
  • Buy Xtrackers Stoxx Global Select Dividend 100 Swap UCITS ETF
  • Buy iShares EM Dividend

Securities Allocation

How is my portfolio actually allocated? The following is an overview of the security and sector allocation according to extraETF. (Status: 02.02.2022): 



The positive development has continued and the dividends are also developing very positively. I will continue to invest here diligently and of course regularly. The goal is still to increase the dividends and thus be able to further increase the investments.

How has your portfolio developed?

Kind regards,


Performance – September 2022 (09/12)

Performance – September 2022 (09/12) | 17.10.2022 | Performance | Mario   Performance - September 2022 (09/12)   Wie hat sich mein Dividenden-Portfolio im September2022 entwickelt? Wie haben sich einzelne Aktien entwickelt? Gibt es auch positives zu berichten? Alle Fragen...
