Dividends Income – February 2022 (02/12)
February is now also over again and at the moment there is only one topic in the world. I don’t want to make any political statements here as I don’t think this is the right environment for that. Here I just want to talk about my dividends received and how they have developed. Overall, February 2022 was a pretty good month for me and the performance of my dividend income continues to be very positive. So below again are all of my dividends received and their performance in detail.
266.60 Euro dividend
In February 2022, I was able to record a total of 266.60 euros in dividends. Since it is only my second year on the stock market, I can finally show comparisons to the respective month last year.
In February 2021, there was just 14.15 euros in dividends for me to book. my dividend portfolio was, however, „then“ still under construction. of course, I was also very happy about this small dividend a year ago. But now it is very nice to see how my regular investments have continued to pay off and my „passive income“ keeps increasing from month to month.
In February, a total of 9 companies in my dividend portfolio have now contributed to my passive income. These were: BAT, Apple, Global X ETF, Omega Healthcare, Realty Income, AbbVie, Prospect Capital, Artisan Partners and Gladstone Commercial. In the case of Artisan Partners, there will be a nice increase in the next dividends, as I had not yet purchased all of the current shares here before ex-day.
In any case, I will continue to invest diligently so that the dividends keep increasing. According to DivvyDiary, my monthly average is just a little under 300 euros. By investing regularly, I would like to increase this as quickly as possible to 500 euros on average per month. My self-imposed investment goal for 2022 I have now almost reached and can here after only 2 months here 80% of my investment goal for 2022 already book. But I will go into more detail in my performance report for February 2022.
My dividends in February 2022
The following is an overview of my dividends received:
2022-02-28 | Gladstone Commercial | 25.86 EUR |
2022-02-28 | Artisan Partners Ass.Manag. | 4.65 EUR |
2022-02-17 | Prospect Capital Co. | 12.03 EUR |
2022-02-15 | AbbVie | 25.89 EUR |
2022-02-15 | Realty Income | 8.19 EUR |
2022-02-14 | Omega Healthcare Invest. | 59.97 EUR |
2022-02-10 | Apple | 3.27 EUR |
2022-02-09 | BRIT AMER TOBACCO | 98.66 EUR |
266,60 EUR |
How do the dividends look like for you?
Just write in the comments, how it goes with you so with the dividends.
Best regards,
Umstellung im Depot: Fokus auf hohes passives Einkommen
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